write us
We would be very glad for your messages and will answer them soon.
Location map
Our house is situated about 2 minute by feed from the centre of St. Veit. Follow the main street to stveit.
After the more-used-house (red, right hand side) turn right. Stay for 50 metre on the Haidachweg.
On the right hand side you will see your holidy destination.
journey with the car
from München/germany
1. Variant Motorway (shorter, motorway vignette)
– motorway A8 direction Salzburg
– frontiere Walserberg to the A10 Tauernautobahn
– A10 direction Villach to Bischofshofen
– Exit Bischofshofen (Exit 47)
– follow the street (Schnellstraße, Bundesstraße, – Sie St. Johann im Pongau)
– to exit St. Veit im Pongau
– circle direction St. Veit, follow the street to the red more used house (right hand side) – red multi-purpose house (rigth)
– after this house turn right.
– on Haidachweg ca. 50 metres
2. variant federal road (longer, no vignette)
– motorway A8 direction Salzburg
– ext Siegsdorf in germany
– direction Lofer, Saalfelden, Zell am See
– from Zell am See the take Bundesstraße direction Bischofshofen/Salzburg
– follow the street
– after Schönbergtunnel at Schwarzach turn to direction St. Veit im Pongau
– circle direction St. Veit, follow the street to the red more used house (right hand side)
– red multi-purpose house (rigth)
– on Haidachweg ca. 50 metres
– destination
from Italy/Slowenia over Villach
– A10 motorway direction Salzburg
– pass Katschbergtunnel/Tauerntunnel
– follow the A10 to the Bischofshofen / Pongau exit
– follow the street(Schnellstraße, Bundesstraße, pass St. Johann im Pongau)
– to exit St. Veit im Pongau
– circle direction St. Veit, follow the street to the red more used house (right hand side)
– after this house turn right.
– on Haidachweg ca. 50 metres
– destination

journey by train

from all directions: Schwarzach - St. Veit
Our home town shares a train station with Schwarzach, the international train point Schwarzach - St. Veit
This offers a comfortbale journey by train, because every international train stops at "our train station".
We will pick you up at the station. Just call us. Every hour there is also a public bus from Schwarzach to St. Veit.
recent train information:
journey by plane

The airport Salzburg is only 60 km from our home town. On the motorway you will reach the airport in 45 minutes.
At the airport are some agencys for car rent. The connection is also by train possible.
If you wish a take up at the airport, just tell us. (small amount)
more informationen to airport salzburg: